Why does it feel so good when I masturbate my penis?

+1 vote
asked Aug 17, 2017 in Mens Health by Ronald Hoac (130 points)
Why does masturbating and stroking my penis feel so good and why does it feel even better when I ejaculate?

I'm A 17 year old male and I can't stop masturbating when I'm alone.

Why does masturbating our penis feel so great?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Aug 17, 2017 by Carter3 (12,290 points)

A few things happen that makes masturbating feel good. 

First, the penis has a very large number of nerve endings, which means that it's very sensitive to touch. Us Humans are social creatures, so touch generally feels good, and so this feeling is amplified by the large number of nerves in the penis. 

Another thing in order to promote procreation, our brains release chemicals that include endorphins and oxytocin during and after sex, which stimulate the brain in a positive manner. 

Our body can't really distinguish what is actually stimulation your penis (ie hand, mouth, or vagina), so the chemicals get released whenever our penis is stimulated to the point of orgasm.

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