Will a bad oil pressure sensor cause car not to start?

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asked Jul 22, 2019 in Other-Cars/Transportation by Jesstrysail (200 points)
Will a bad oil pressure sensor cause car not to start?

1 Answer

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answered Jul 22, 2019 by Shelde (49,390 points)
Yes the bad oil pressure sensor could cause a car to not start especially if it thinks there's no oil pressure when you're cranking the engine.

A bad oil pressure sensor could also cause the car to stall because it would tell the vehicles computer that the engine is low on oil and then it would shut the engine down to prevent damage to the engine.

If your oil pressure had been reading high or low and your engine oil is fresh and your engine oil filter has been replaced as well then it could be your oil pressure sensor not working properly or at all.

Other things that could cause a car to not start are low fuel pressure, low oil pressure, bad spark plugs, bad gasoline, water in gasoline, bad fuel injectors, bad ignition coils, bad spark plug wires, bad ignition module etc.

If your engine is getting spark and fuel then it could be a vacuum leak or the bad oil pressure sensor or could also be a fuse out that is not allowing the car to start.

If you can't figure it out you should take it to a professional mechanic who can put computer equipment on the car and find out exactly what is wrong with it.

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