Is feeling feverish during pregnancy normal?

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asked Jul 8, 2019 in Pregnancy by 56greelandjiki (320 points)
Is feeling feverish during pregnancy normal?

1 Answer

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answered Jul 8, 2019 by Lilly21 (57,780 points)
No you should never feel feverish during pregnancy and feeling feverish during pregnancy is never a normal thing.

So if you're feeling feverish during your pregnancy you should see your doctor and let them know you're feeling feverish which means you could have a viral illness or bacterial infection which needs treated so it doesn't potentially cause any harm to the unborn baby.

When you're pregnant you should not take any aspirin or ibuprofen as it could lead to complications during the pregnancy.

However it is normal to feel a bit warm or flush during early pregnancy which can be a sign of pregnancy however you should not feel really feverish as a fever is any temperature of 100 F or more which then means that you could have an illness that needs to be checked out by urgent care or your doctor.

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