What can cause a transmission to not go in reverse?

+1 vote
asked Jul 8, 2019 in Repairs/Maintenance by 56greelandjiki (320 points)
What can cause a transmission to not go in reverse?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 8, 2019 by Grahlu (51,270 points)
An automatic transmission not going into reverse can be caused by either faulty transmission bands or other faulty components in the transmission or a transmission control solenoid.

A common cause of a transmission not going into reverse but going forward is due to a faulty transmission control solenoid.

Or the transmission bands could be bad or the transmission is about to go out and needs rebuilt.

Usually a transmission needs rebuilding if the transmission is not going into reverse because soon it may not go into forward gears.

I would take the vehicle to a transmission shop and have the transmission checked out and possibly changed out or rebuilt.

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