Is leaking amniotic fluid a sign of labor?

+1 vote
asked Jun 30, 2019 in Pregnancy by uceHunter (410 points)
Is leaking amniotic fluid a sign of labor?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 30, 2019 by Rose T (3,650 points)
If you're leaking the amniotic fluid and you're near the term of your pregnancy where the baby is full term and ready to be born then yes leaking amniotic fluid can be a sign that labor is about to come into affect.

So if you're leaking amniotic fluid at anytime during your pregnancy you should go to the emergency room or urgent care and get checked out.

Amniotic fluid can also be a sign of an infection which can cause problems with your own health as well as the health of the unborn baby.

So always get checked out to be sure you're not infected with something when your amniotic fluid because sometimes leaking amniotic fluid is a sign of infection and other times it could mean that you're about to go into labor and give birth to the baby.

If your water breaks you're about to give birth within 12 to 24 hours so make sure you get to the hospital as soon as possible after your water breaks.

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