During Pregnancy do you have to push the baby out?

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asked Jun 30, 2019 in Pregnancy by uceHunter (410 points)
During Pregnancy do you have to push the baby out?

1 Answer

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answered Jun 30, 2019 by Minty (139,230 points)
When you are going into labor and are about to have the baby and the baby is ready to be born then yes you will need to work on pushing the baby out of your body.

The doctor will tell you when to begin pushing to help the baby come out of your body and will tell you when to stop pushing.

Sometimes the baby will leave the body really easy while other times you will need to push the baby out to assist the baby coming out.

I had to push for awhile and was in pain which is natural when having a baby.

So you'll feel pain when going through natural child birth but when the baby comes out and is healthy and you hold that baby you won't really think about the pain of child birth afterwards.

At least that is what I experienced.

The pain and aggravation I went through when giving birth to my baby son was well worth it.

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