How long can you wait to have a baby after your water breaks?

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asked Jun 30, 2019 in Pregnancy by uceHunter (410 points)
How long can you wait to have a baby after your water breaks?

1 Answer

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answered Jun 30, 2019 by Rose T (3,650 points)
When you're pregnant and your water breaks you're usually ready to give birth to the baby within 24 hours of the water breaking.

However sometimes the birth of the baby can happen sooner or sometimes later but you should always be prepared and ready for labor soon after your water breaks.

If your water breaks you should get to the hospital because it could be pretty soon that you give birth but sometimes it may take a bit longer.

Contractions during the pregnancy can happen right after or soon after your water breaks so always be ready to give birth soon after the water breaks because although it usually happens 12 to 24 hours it can and sometimes does happen soon after.

Babies can be ready to be born at anytime after the water breaks so be prepared.

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