Can you pay more than what your internet bill is to stay in credit?

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asked Jul 30, 2017 in Other-Finance by Danilas (230 points)
Can you pay more than what your internet bill is to stay in credit?
My internet bill is only $40.00 a month but I can afford to send $80.00 per month which would take care of 2 months of my internet bills?

I thought I'd pay up twice when I can to keep from getting behind and getting shut off in the event I lose my income for awhile?

Will the internet companies accept double payments or will they send back the second portion?

1 Answer

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answered Jul 30, 2017 by Grove (440 points)
You can pay any amount over you want. At least for some companies but I wouldn't pay double the amount each month.
I'd at most pay $10.00 extra or so on the bill every other month. I'd rather have the extra money sitting in a savings account that I could use for other bills in the event I lost my job.

Some companies will indeed send the money back to you because it messes up their book keeping but others will keep it and credit it to your account.

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