What are the best foods to eat for constipation that make you poop?

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asked Jul 30, 2017 in Other- Health by Arvind2 (190 points)
What are the best foods to eat to make you poop when you're constipated?

I've been constipated for the last few days and haven't pooped in those few days when I normally would.

I feel like I have to poop but whenever I get to a toilet I can't poop. Are there any foods I can eat that will cure my constipation and make me poop?

1 Answer

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answered Jul 30, 2017 by Grove (440 points)
Eating some prunes will help you poop. If you start eating too much of them then you'll get diarrhea. That will flush your bowels out.

Anything with fiber including bread is also good to help with constipation. Try drinking some prune juice as well.

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