Why People Use The Phone Tracker?

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asked Jun 11, 2019 in Answerpail by bradleykelley (540 points)

3 Answers

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answered Jun 11, 2019 by RachelGeorge (530 points)

People make use of this phone tracker application to monitor the activities of an employees in an office during working hours, monitor the children and teenagers with what they are doing with their mobile phones to find out any affairs or issues if any and to catch the cheating spouse or boyfriend. Read more about the uses by visiting the website.

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answered Jan 9, 2020 by millerynolds (740 points)
Me personally to know if my spouse doesn't have anybody else on the internet
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answered Jan 23, 2020 by millerynolds (740 points)

I heard about this service in one of my friends' discussions and decided to check if my lover is cheating on me on dating sites https://spousecheating.me/. Yes, this is an application that looks for accounts registered for one or another mail. If in your case there are profiles on some sites of the spousecheating base, then this most likely means that your love partner is looking for another.

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