What does it feel like to wear a poopy diaper?

+2 votes
asked Jun 2, 2019 in AB/DL by diapereddieboy (220 points)
What does it feel like to wear a poopy diaper?

I'm 14 and love to wear diapers but have only wet in the diapers for now but I want to try pooping in the diaper.

Does pooping in a diaper feel good and what does pooping in a diaper feel like?

How long do you stay in your poopy diapers before changing?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 2, 2019 by Pamperslover (25,840 points)
Pooping in a diaper is a wonderful feeling.

I love to poop in the diaper and feel the poop push out into the back of the diaper which feels even better and then I love to sit on the floor or ride my rocking horse wearing the poop filled diaper.

It creates a mess that is hard to clean up and requires some scrubbing in the shower to clean up after the poop diaper but it feels good.

Some people only love peeing in their diapers and not pooping due to the mess and smell but I love the feeling of pooping in the diaper and the extra cleanup is well worth it.

I no longer use the toilet for peeing and pooping and only use my diapers for both peeing and pooping now.

So whenever I need to poop or pee I just do it wherever I am even in public and then change later when I get home or to a place where I can change the diaper.

Poop diapers do smell though so you'll need to clean up often and dispose of the poopy diapers often to prevent your parents from smelling the diapers.

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