After I poop in a diaper how long can I safely stay in the poopy diaper?

+2 votes
asked Jun 2, 2019 in AB/DL by diapereddieboy (220 points)
I'm 14 and wear Pampers Cruisers size 7 diapers and I love to wet in the diapers and not change the diaper until the end of the day.

I can only get Pampers Cruisers size 7 diapers once or twice per month so I try to wear the diaper as long as I can and I love to wear the wet diaper even when it's full of pee.

I haven't tried pooping in the Pampers Cruisers Diaper yet but I want too and am wondering how long I can safely stay in the Poopy diaper without getting a rash?

How long have you stayed in a Poopy diaper without changing it and how does it feel to wear a poopy diaper?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 2, 2019 by Pamperslover (25,840 points)
I'm a diaper lover also myself and do poop in my diapers all the time because I no longer use the toilet.

I have been wearing diapers 24/7 now for around 5 almost 6 years and I will continue to wear diapers all the time for the rest of my life or as long as I can afford to do so.

I have a good job now where I can easily afford the diapers and I don't smoke cigarettes which would be more expensive than the diapers I buy each month.

The diapers are much healthier for me anyway so it's a good addiction to have with diapers which cannot harm you unlike cigarettes which can cause lung cancer.

I spend around $150.00 to $200.00 per month of my disposable income on disposable diapers depending on the brands I buy and sometimes I buy more diapers when they're on sale so I never run out of disposable diapers.

As for staying in a poopy diaper I would only stay in the poopy diaper for maybe 2 to 4 hours at most otherwise you can get a rash which doesn't feel good.

I once stayed in a poopy diaper for a whole day and night and got a bad rash with bumps on my butt and although the poopy diaper was good feeling the rash wasn't.

So I would advise not staying in the poop diaper for longer than 4 or 5 hours at most before changing or if you do you should apply some Vaseline or Diaper Rash cream to your butt and groin and apply some baby powder to help prevent diaper rash.

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