I love to stay in a wet diaper all day without changing

+2 votes
asked Jun 2, 2019 in AB/DL by diapereddieboy (220 points)
I love to stay in a wet diaper all day without changing does anyone else love to wear wet diapers all day without changing?

I'm 14 years old and I love to wear disposable diapers and I love to wear the disposable diaper even more when it's soaked and wet.

The diaper when wet feels so good to me and I love walking around with a wet diaper inside my pants and sometimes walk around my bedroom or be in my bedroom with just a disposable diaper on?

I wear Pampers Cruisers size 7 which fit me as a 14 year old and I love when the diaper gets wet and hate to change out of it into a new one.

I will even go to bed with an already wet diaper and hate to change it in the morning but will take it off because I have to take a shower and clean up but I wait as long as possible after getting up to change my wet diaper.

Does anyone else here like to sleep in a wet diaper all night and wear a wet diaper all day without changing it?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 2, 2019 by Pamperslover (25,840 points)
I'm the same way with diapers.

I've loved to wear and wet diapers since I was around 5 years old and now I'm an adult living on my own and have been wearing diapers all the time without using the toilet anymore.

I can now afford to wear diapers all the time and change the diaper when needed however sometimes on the weekends or when I don't have to go anywhere or be at work I can put on a high absorbency adult diaper and wear it sometimes all day with multiple wetting throughout the day.

I can put on an ABU Super Dry Kids diaper which is a Pampers Replica of years ago and it's a plastic backed diaper that feels good and can hold up to an all day wetting.

I love to go outside and play around the yard or in my Sandbox wearing nothing but the diaper and the wetter the diaper the better.

I also love to sleep in wet diapers too.

Just be careful though about staying in the wet diaper for too long as it can lead to a rash if you don't use baby powder or some diaper rash cream.

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