Is hibiscus tea good for kidneys?

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asked May 21, 2019 in Other- Health by DeoraKeley (210 points)
Is hibiscus tea good for kidneys?

2 Answers

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answered May 21, 2019 by Minty (132,850 points)
Yes in moderation hibiscus tea is wonderful for kidney health and helps flush out toxins from your kidneys which can help prevent kidney disease and other bladder infections.

Hibiscus Tea contains antioxidants which helps keep your body detoxed and it's also good for lowering blood pressure as well.

I drink 1 to 2 cups of hibiscus tea per day to keep my body and kidneys detoxed as well as help lower my blood pressure and it really does work.

Another good thing about hibiscus tea is that if you're suffering from insomnia the hibiscus tea when you drink it within 20 to 30 minutes of going to bed it can help you fall asleep naturally.
0 votes
answered Dec 25, 2021 by layla (60,790 points)
Hibiscus Tea is healthy for your kidneys and it can help prevent kidneys disease as well.

Hibiscus Tea can make you sleepy.

Hibiscus Tea is also good for gout as it helps to lower your uric acid levels which can help prevent gout flare ups and help gout flare ups go away.

Tea including Hibiscus Tea is a diuretic and can make you pee.

Hibiscus Tea can help boost your immune system and may help to prevent cell damage caused by free radicals in the body.

This can reduce your risk of developing many significant health complications such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

Hibiscus tea contains other antioxidants, such as anthocyanins.

The hibiscus tea does contain a diuretic and can make you pee as hibiscus tea does increase urine production in some people.

I do find that within 10 to 20 minutes of drinking hibiscus tea that I have to pee as it seems to go right through me just like coffee does.

So be prepared to pee soon after drinking the hibiscus tea but it's healthy for you and can lower your blood pressure as well as detox your body and help flush your kidneys out as well to keep your kidneys and bladder healthy.

I drink at least one to two cups of hibiscus tea daily to keep my blood pressure lowered and keep my body detoxed.

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