What Are Skin Tags

+1 vote
asked May 20, 2019 in Other- Health by RigobertoIvey (130 points)
What Are Skin Tags?

3 Answers

0 votes
answered May 20, 2019 by Minty (140,940 points)
Skin tags are small benign skin growths that occur on your skin.

Skin tags are mostly just annoying and uncomfortable however the skin tags are never harmful or cause for concern but you can have a doctor remove the skin tag if you want too.

Or you can buy a skin tag removal tool to use at home to remove the skin tag yourself which is pretty easy to do.

 Skin Tags usually occur on the eyelids, neck, armpits, groin folds, and under breasts and can sometimes hang off your armpit as well.

I had a skin tag under my armpit and I used a skin tag removal tool to remove the skin tag at home.
0 votes
answered May 21, 2019 by RobertFlickinger (140 points)

A Skin tag is also known as Cutaneous Papilloma or an Acrochordon. A skin tag is a small fleshy, colored growth on a peduncle that usually hangs from the skin or protrudes up. They are smooth or irregular, usually in skin-colored or a darker color. If your skin tags suddenly bleed and you don’t know how to stop bleeding, then you can visit this website gettingridofskintags.net/how-to-stop-skin-tags-from-bleeding where they have given ways to stop bleeding.

0 votes
answered May 15, 2022 by Lamaysor (2,580 points)

Pigmentation on the face and body in many people causes insecurity and embarrassment. Not everyone can accept themselves. Fortunately, the situation can be changed. In the CLEO clinic pico laser treatment is of high quality. There are qualified specialists. And they have an individual approach to each case. The results are really impressive.

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