How can you tell if your torque converter is bad?

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asked May 18, 2019 in Repairs/Maintenance by terrazas (210 points)
How can you tell if your torque converter is bad?

1 Answer

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answered May 18, 2019 by Grahlu (51,270 points)
A bad torque converter on a transmission can cause many symptoms that can relate to a bad transmission itself so it's hard to know if the torque converter itself is bad or if it's the transmission causing the problems.

But the symptoms of a bad or failing torque converter are overheating, slipping, shuddering, dirty fluid, high stall speeds, or strange noises.

You might also hear ticking or chirping noises from underneath the vehicle when sitting idle or when accelerating which could mean that your torque converter is going bad.

But sometimes it may not be the torque converter at all and instead could actually be low transmission fluid or a bad transmission pump or bad transmission itself.

Also you might have Contaminated Transmission Fluid which can mean that your torque converter is coming apart inside.

It's rare that a torque converter goes bad but they certainly can eventually.

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