Who invented paparazzi?

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asked May 15, 2019 in Celebrities by Yanukovichqd (300 points)
Who invented paparazzi?

2 Answers

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answered May 15, 2019 by Cathy21 (87,970 points)
The man who started the paparazzi and too the first celebrity and gossip photograph was Elio Sorci.

Credited as the first paparazzo the man Elio Sorci candidly captured some of the most iconic celebrities of the 1960s.

And he exposed the affair between Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor.

After that more photographers begin their jobs as paparazzi and now every celebrity is followed and photographed just about everyday if not everyday.

When you're a celebrity you can expect the paparazzi to invade your privacy and take many photographs even without you knowing about it until it lands on the TV or on a news gossip website or in a gossip or celebrity magazine.
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answered Feb 2, 2020 by GeorgeMills (3,080 points)

This is a difficult question but to put it bluntly, any guy with a mobile phone can become paparazzi now. This is not a question of professionalism but of education. I explained such things to my son when he chose his first camera here - https://cameravs.com/ I hope that he will choose the right path and I will see his photo in the GEO journal)

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