What is the best way to get rid of nose hair?

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asked May 14, 2019 in Hair by bobbyzd69 (320 points)
What is the best way to get rid of nose hair?

1 Answer

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answered May 15, 2019 by lulumeon (40,870 points)
You can buy wax to remove your nose hair which is called nose hair wax that works to remove the nose hair gently.

Or you can use some scissors in front of a mirror and snip the nose hairs or even better buy a cheap nose hair trimmer from Walmart or online.

The nose hair trimmer will be a better option and safer option of removing and trimming nose hairs without harming your nose or causing bleeding.

You could also pluck your nose hairs but that can be painful and possibly lead to infection.

I would recommend using the nose hair trimmer or the wax or even one of those nose hair laser removal machines that gently use a safe laser to remove the nose hairs and prevent the nose hairs from coming back.

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