Who is the most famous photographer in the world?

+1 vote
asked May 11, 2019 in Cameras by jesusaw1 (210 points)
Who is the most famous photographer in the world?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered May 11, 2019 by xiyang (360 points)
The most famous photographer in the world is Andreas Gursky.

Followed by other famous photographers such as Robert Mapplethorpe, Henri-Cartier Bresson, Annie Leibovitz, Sebastião Salgado, Brassaï, Ansel Adams and Robert Capa.

There are some other famous photographers but those are the most famous photographers in the world that top the list.

Some other famous photographers got started back in the 1900's and even as soon as cameras were invented.
0 votes
answered Jul 20, 2022 by Kroverl (2,920 points)

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