How Can I Reduce Your Expenses With Maintaining A Landed Property Singapore?

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asked May 9, 2019 in Real Estate - Renting by MichaelGran (400 points)
How Can I Reduce Your Expenses With Maintaining A Landed Property Singapore?

1 Answer

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answered May 9, 2019 by MelissaSerpa (460 points)

Before you buy a property, it is important to consider the cost of maintaining it. While condos usually have fixed maintenance, charges paid every month to keep and maintain the offered facilities including swimming pool, gym, etc. and you could also be charged internal and external repairs depending on the needs of your home. But, if you own landed property, you don’t need to set aside money to cater for maintenance. This is because you are the sole owner and you can make the maintenance anytime. Furthermore, the maintenance cost of condos is normally higher than those of landed properties.

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