Do poinsettias like coffee grounds?

+1 vote
asked May 5, 2019 in Gardening by rkjoytish76 (230 points)
Do poinsettias like coffee grounds?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered May 6, 2019 by LindaHartzell (26,630 points)
Poinsettias are acid loving plants so yes coffee grounds are wonderful for putting in the soil of your Poinsettias.

I use coffee grounds every once in awhile to add some acid to the soil of my Poinsettias and it helps them a lot.

Just do not put too much coffee grounds in the soil of your Poinsettias otherwise the soil can become too acidic and the Poinsettias can die as a result.

Coffee grounds are also good for other plants such as tomatoes, Avocados, Blueberries, azaleas, evergreens and camellias as well as many other plants.
0 votes
answered Dec 30, 2020 by Kaitlyn (3,850 points)
Coffee Grounds are great for Poinsettias as the Coffee Grounds add needed acid to the soil the Poinsettias are in.

That acid can help the Poinsettias grow and thrive.

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