Why do most people live in the same town all their life?

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asked Aug 28, 2016 in Other- Society & Culture by $212 (220 points)

Why is it that most people attend their highschool reunions, marry, and live in the same town they grew up in their whole life?

I'm 17 and as soon as I turn 18 and get out of school I'm gonna get in my car and drive away from this town even if I have to live in my car for awhile.

I've lived here in this town my whole 17 years and I'm getting tired of it. I don't understand how anyone can stay in the same town there whole life?

1 Answer

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answered Aug 30, 2016 by Bdog2 (3,910 points)
I guess they're just comfortable with the town and house they're living in and hate change.

Or they might not have enough money to just pack up and leave.

I plan to retire in an rv and travel the united states and move from one place to the next every week.

To do that I'll auction off my house and get myself an rv with part of the money and use the rest of the money for living expenses, and fuel for my rv to travel.

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