Can I bring candy on a plane?

+1 vote
asked May 4, 2019 in Planes by SclHuch (280 points)
Can I bring candy on a plane?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 4, 2019 by Judy (56,120 points)
Yes Candy is allowed to be brought onto the plane in your carry on luggage and there's no limit to the amount of candy you can bring on the plane.

I've brought a few bags of candy on the plane for me and my sister and my nephew before to eat while on the plane.

The TSA doesn't limit the amount of candy that can be brought on the plane so bring as much candy as you want too and it will be allowed through the airport security.

I always bring candy on the plane to snack on and eat while on a plane ride and it's never been a problem.

As long as you can fit the candy in your hand luggage then you can bring the candy onto the airplane with you.

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