Why don't people diagnosed with COPD quit smoking?

+1 vote
asked Jul 20, 2017 in Other- Health by Sherry (230 points)
Why don't people who are diagnosed with copd quit smoking?

I read where people are diagnosed with copd and they continue to smoke cigarettes.

Why don't they quit smoking to prevent further damage and increase there life expectancy?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 20, 2017 by chad (14,670 points)
Some people actually do quit smoking once they're diagnosed with copd. My dad is one of those people. He's 69 will 70 in December this year.

He was diagnosed with copd I believe 10 years ago and has not smoked since. He started smoking when he was 18 and I remember him smoking when I was a kid.

He'd always have a cigarette in his mouth. As well as his mom. His mom used to smoke too. She died at age 70 when I was 9 years old.

So my dad had smoked for around 42 years and he quit smoking cold turkey. And never touched a cigarette again.

So far he's doing good right now. I used to smoke myself because I wanted to imitate my dad and thought smoking was good.

But when he was diagnosed with copd I decided to quit smoking and glad I did.

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