How old is Harvey from TMZ?

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asked May 2, 2019 in Celebrities by dleefutdth (300 points)
How old is Harvey from TMZ?

1 Answer

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answered May 2, 2019 by Rich123 (1,040 points)
The TMZ Host Harvey Levin in 68 years old and was born September 2nd 1950.

Harvey Levin from TMZ will be 69 years old on September 2nd 2019 and when September 2nd 2020 comes around Harvey Levin will be 70 years old.

I haven't looked him up in awhile and I couldn't believe that Harvey Levis is near 70 years old as he looks much younger to me.

I hope I look as good as Harvey Levin when I get to his age years from now.

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