Is it safe to swim in Tahiti?

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asked Apr 21, 2019 in Swimming & Diving by Ekwastedkl (530 points)
Is it safe to swim in Tahiti?

1 Answer

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answered Apr 21, 2019 by LouisIrfan (380 points)
Swimming in Tahiti waters is pretty safe but you do need to be aware of sharks that sometimes swim near the shore of the water in Tahiti.

I personally would not venture into the waters in Tahiti just because of the potential sharks but some people do safely swim the waters in Tahiti.

If you do go swimming in Tahiti just keep a very close eye on the water for potential sharks even if you're only swimming waist deep and get out of the water if you see a shark coming.

Sometimes sharks will leave people alone but it's not worth the risk of staying in the water and finding out if the shark will leave you alone or not.

If you see a shark in the waters in Tahiti just do the best thing and get out of the water until the shark goes away.

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