Why is it considered bad luck for men to touch or wash womens lingerie?

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asked Apr 16, 2019 in Mythology & Folklore by Plakieg7898 (210 points)
Why is it considered bad luck for men to touch or wash women's lingerie?

3 Answers

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answered Apr 17, 2019 by layla (84,530 points)
The bad luck myth that it's bad luck for men to touch or wash women's lingerie goes way back many years ago.

The main reason for the bad luck had to due with ancient times when many diseases were around and it was considered to be bad luck for the man to touch or wash the women's lingerie due to possibly getting infected with something from the blood.

Still it's just a myth and no bad luck will come from touching or washing women's lingerie if a man does it.

My Husband has touched and washed my lingerie many times and he also has removed my lingerie from me during intimate times and never has he no I faced any bad luck because of it.
0 votes
answered Dec 28, 2021 by Vanomi (430 points)

The best gift for a man is a wife in beautiful underwear. My husband doesn't like the usual underwear on me. Therefore, I only wear sexy lace. I have many sets of beautiful lace lingerie, so I bought more lingerie harness. Therefore, you can buy lingerie harness set on MarieMur.com. It looks elegant and comfortable. I started shopping for sexy lingerie sets on MarieMur.com from the moment a friend showed me the store.

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answered Dec 28, 2021 by Adrian (140 points)

Why is it considered bad luck for men to touch or wash women's lingerie?

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