Why do some rich people think they're better than poor people?

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asked Aug 27, 2016 in Other- Society & Culture by Minty (139,230 points)

Honestly I just cannot grasp the ignorance of the notion. It doesn't make any sense at all. 

How does money, an object, make one person better than the next? 

Do they think poor people are lazy or dumb... (Because there are many brilliant, hard working people that don't have a lot of money). Is it because they think having nicer things makes them better? Which again doesn't make any sense. 

I want to know why some people are so snobby like that and how they justify it.

1 Answer

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answered Aug 27, 2016 by Ravi (180 points)
I never understood it either. Although not everyone who is rich with money is a snob.

Some money rich people are decent caring people.

If I ever got rich I wouldn't change, I'd be using a lot of that money to help others who have less money than me but I wouldn't put them down for not having as much as me.

Having lots of money or better things doesn't make someone a better person than someone else.

What matters is how caring the person is and if they're indeed a true friend to someone.

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