How long does a forensic pathologist go to school?

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asked Apr 13, 2019 in Higher Education (university +) by Lawrence098 (360 points)
How long does a forensic pathologist go to school?

1 Answer

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answered Apr 13, 2019 by linda (29,790 points)
To become a forensic pathologist it takes around 13 years of school or college education after you graduate high school.

To become a forensic pathologist you'll need to complete 4 years of medical school, 4 years of undergraduate school and then you'll need to complete 4 years of residency in anatomic and clinical pathology followed by one year of a forensic pathology fellowship

So all in all it takes 13 years of college and study to become a forensic pathologist but it can be well worth it it that's the career you want to get into and it will always be in demand.
commented Aug 7, 2019 by MorganSmith124 (100 points)
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