Is black seed oil good for the skin?

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asked Apr 12, 2019 in Body/Skin by msopuye (320 points)
Is black seed oil good for the skin?

2 Answers

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answered Apr 13, 2019 by Cicero (4,320 points)
Yes black seed oil is good for skin and good for skin conditions.

You can use black seed oil to treat and prevent acne and help with dry skin as the black seed oil helps to moisturize the skin.

You can also use black seed oil on your hair to moisturize your hair and help with hair growth and black seed oil is also good for those suffering from psoriasis.

Other health benefits of black seed oil is it helps boost your immune system, helps fight off viruses and disease and helps to reduce inflammation and fight off infections.
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answered Mar 17, 2022 by 7maxwarren (12,600 points)
Black Seed Oil is generally safe for most people although for some people Black Seed Oil can be unsafe.

Black seed and Black Seed Oil can cause allergic rashes in some people.

The black seed oil can also cause stomach upset, vomiting, or constipation. When applied to the skin: Black seed oil or gel is possibly safe when used short-term.

It can cause allergic rashes in some people.

Black seed oil is pressed from the seeds of a flowering shrub, Nigella sativa.

The plant is packed with thymoquinone, a compound which may have cancer-fighting powers.

In rats, it shrank tumors and slowed their growth as well as protected tissue from radiation damage.

Black seed oil is high in antioxidants and may have several benefits for health.

These include the treatment of asthma and various skin conditions, lowering blood sugar and cholesterol levels, aiding in weight loss, and protecting brain health.

Black seed has proven to reduce inflammation and relax smooth muscles, easing the symptoms of people with asthma in clinical studies.

Combined with its antioxidant properties, these effects help prevent gastrointestinal disorders and relieve related symptoms.

Known for its powerful medicinal properties, black seed oil is a natural remedy that people use to treat a wide range of conditions, including: headaches. back pain. high blood pressure.

Black seed oil can help with GI motility and moving your bowels more frequently will help flush out excess waste that may be backed up and causing belly bloat,” she says.

You can reap these benefits by taking 1/2 teaspoon, twice a day after meal, of Byherbs Black seed oil supplement.

Black seed oil is good for naturally treating Eczema.

The black seed oil is good at reducing inflammation of the skin and is good at cleansing of the skins pores which helps to get rid of Eczema and prevent future outbreaks of Eczema.

Black Seed oil is good for acne as well as Eczema if you apply the black seed oil daily.

Some other good natural ways of getting rid of Eczema are to use some Apple Cider Vinegar, Tea Tree Oil and Coconut Oil.

You can apply either of those to your Eczema daily until the Eczema goes away which it should within a few weeks or even a month depending on the severity of Eczema.

You can also get some over the counter hydrocortisone which is usually the first thing doctors recommend to treat mild eczema.

If the Eczema is on your legs or other parts of your body then you can take an oatmeal bath which helps to soothe the Eczema and helps to get rid of it overtime.

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