What does the saying slow boat to China mean?

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asked Apr 12, 2019 in Words & Wordplay by BrodelSethos (340 points)
What does the saying slow boat to China mean?

1 Answer

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answered Apr 12, 2019 by Minty (139,260 points)
The saying slow boat to China just means that something is gonna take a long slow time to get done.

Taking a boat to China from the USA can take months so it's very slow to take a boat to China so if you're going to China on a boat you're gonna be on a slow boat to China.

So if I say that I'm on a slow boat to China when doing something it means that it could take me quite a long time to finish what I'm doing.

I'm building a house it's gonna take me a long time so I would say I'm on a slow boat to China when building that house.

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