Can you survive getting shot in the heart?

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asked Apr 7, 2019 in Other- Health by bskedo (420 points)
Can you survive getting shot in the heart?

1 Answer

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answered Apr 7, 2019 by Jacksiejon898 (620 points)
Your odds of survival after getting shot in the heart are very small especially if the bullet rips through and tears the artery of the heart.

If your heart is still beating after getting shot and the heart is still beating upon arrival at the hospital then you have around a 95 percent chance of survival after being shot in the heart.

Your heart is a very vital organ and once your heart gets damaged too severely then you're likely to die soon so you must get medical attention right away after being shot in the heart in order to have a better chance of survival.

Still it's possible to survive just about any thing if it's meant for you to survive but being shot in the heart is almost always a death sentence especially if medical attention has not been summoned right away.

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