Can you go to college without a diploma or GED?

+1 vote
asked Mar 24, 2019 in Higher Education (university +) by yPinkst (320 points)
Can you go to college without a diploma or GED?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Mar 24, 2019 by Prigen (12,000 points)
To be able to enroll in college you must have either a high school diploma or even a GED.

Without either the high school diploma or GED the college will usually deny you acceptance into the college.

Getting a GED is very doable if you're willing to study and take the test to get the GED and having a GED today is very important to get into college or find a Job.

Without the GED or high school diploma it will also be very hard for you to find a job since most if not all Jobs require the high school diploma or GED to get hired.
0 votes
answered Mar 24, 2019 by sadadayy (450 points)
You might be able to find a college that would accept you without a GED or high school diploma but it would be very hard to find a college that would let you in without the high school diploma or GED.

Plus to find a regular job without going to college you will need that high school diploma or GED because without the high school diploma or GED you'll have a very hard time of getting a Job without the high school diploma or GED.

So having your high school diploma or getting your GED is a good idea anyway.

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