Where did the saying slow boat to China come from?

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asked Mar 24, 2019 in Words & Wordplay by yPinkst (320 points)
Where did the saying slow boat to China come from?

2 Answers

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answered Mar 24, 2019 by sadadayy (450 points)
Going on a trip from the USA to China is very slow.

So when someone says the slow boat to China they're saying you or themselves are doing something very slow and it will take awhile to finish or accomplish the goals or whatever they're trying to do.

The saying slow boat to China originated from playing Poker where the winner of the game achieved the poker winnings at a slow and steady pace.

When you're taking a boat to China you'd get there at a slow and steady pace.
0 votes
answered Oct 25, 2020 by GeorgeMills (3,080 points)

An interesting saying)) I've been playing at the casino's official site for a long time but I've never heard such an expression .. Is this professional slang? Well... I once again made sure that I am still far from being a pro player. But I am doing my best for this. My last win was $ 7,000. This is a success for me)

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