What does it mean when your poop smells really bad?

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asked Mar 16, 2019 in Other- Health by thomashall (210 points)
What does it mean when your poop smells really bad?

1 Answer

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answered Mar 17, 2019 by hnDozie (360 points)
Sometimes when poop smells really bad as in smells worse than normal it can be caused by foods you eat.

Other times foul smelling poop could mean a serious health condition with your colon or intestines due to bacteria buildup inside your colon and intestines.

Really foul smelling poop can also be a sign of a serious condition known as Celiac disease.

So if your poop continues to smell foul then you should see a doctor and get tested for Celiac disease or other conditions.

Poop should not smell really foul as in more foul smelling than normal.

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