If you don't burp a baby can the baby choke?

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asked Mar 9, 2019 in Baby/Newborn by lisaabella23 (310 points)
If you don't burp a baby can the baby choke?

2 Answers

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answered Mar 9, 2019 by Pofykop (390 points)
After a feeding most times babies will burp and spit up when you burp them and you should always try to burp the baby just in case they do need to burp and relieve the trapped gas in their stomach.

But if you try to burp the baby and they don't burp or spit up then they'll usually be okay as babies don't have to burp or spit up all the time after they've been fed but you should always try to burp the baby anyway just to be sure.

When a baby spits up it's usually because the baby has taken in too much formula and there stomach is too full so it comes back up.

There's almost never any choking hazard or danger to your baby if they don't burp.
0 votes
answered Sep 8, 2022 by layla (60,790 points)
When you burp a baby you help to force any gas out of their stomach.

Burping a baby may just cause the baby to burp or the baby may also spit up as well.

Burping a baby is where you pick the baby up in your arms and then place them against your chest with their head facing the back of your body and then you pat the baby on the back.

As you pat the baby on the back gently it should cause the baby to burp out gas or air they had built up in their stomach while feeding.

Bottle fed babies usually get the most gas but even breastfed babies can also get air trapped in their stomach as well.

Burping the baby gets that gas or air out of their stomach so that they are not choking on it or become fussy.

After every feeding you should burp the baby or try to burp the baby to make sure the baby has no air trapped in their stomachs.

Otherwise they become fussy and cry and cry until you do relieve that gas in their stomachs by burping them.

Sometimes they may spit up on your shoulder while burping them so have a burp rag or washcloth on your shoulder before you burp the baby.

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