What is the difference between paraffin and kerosene?

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asked Mar 8, 2019 in Other-Home/Garden by JustinNeedham (350 points)
What is the difference between paraffin and kerosene?

1 Answer

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answered Mar 8, 2019 by Grahlu (51,270 points)
Both paraffin and kerosene are the same thing.

Kerosene and Paraffin are a combustible hydrocarbon liquid which is derived from petroleum.

There is a Paraffin wax and that is a waxy solid that is extracted from petroleum.

So paraffin and kerosene are terms used to describe the same thing unless you're referring to the wax based paraffin.

Usually though when you're looking to buy Kerosene most people now know that as Kerosene instead of paraffin.

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