How long does it take to charge a Tesla?

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asked Feb 28, 2019 in Car Makes by RLS0812 (320 points)
How long does it take to charge a Tesla?

1 Answer

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answered Feb 28, 2019 by Avarado (27,970 points)
Charging A Tesla takes using a 240 volt circuit takes 9.5 hours to fully charge so it can be driven a range of 300 miles.

You can charge the Tesla for as little as you want but an overnight charge will provide you with a 300 mile range which is usually more than a few days of driving depending on how far you drive the Tesla.

When you park the Tesla for the night you should always plug in the charger and it will charge up until it reaches full charge and then shut the charging off automatically.

When charging the Tesla from a regular 120 volt outlet it can take as long as 30 hours to fully charge up so it's recommended to charge the Tesla using a 240 volt charger to achieve fast charging.

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