Is there a universal business plan?

0 votes
asked Feb 26, 2019 in UPS by FF5 (2,120 points)
I'm just going to open a business, but I absolutely do not understand how to make a business plan without errors ...

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Feb 26, 2019 by JohnnyBo (2,990 points)

Apparently, I never had no talent in drawing up a business plan, or I still don’t understand much about it, so I personally order business plan for private equity firm on third-party checked sites for my business. If everything works out for you, I only envy you. Introduction of baznes is a very complicated process, from which side you do not look.

0 votes
answered Sep 9, 2022 by Ramada (1,780 points)
edited Sep 18, 2022 by Ramada

I understand you very well. Making a business plan for a beginner is not an easy task. But honestly, I would not order it from strangers. If I started my own business, I would participate in its formation as much as possible. Hence I know that great ideas are often born during innovative processes. I recommend an entrepreneurship game often used by novice entrepreneurs. Here you can create your own business model and put it into practice step by step.

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