What Is Boxing Day and why is it named boxing day?

0 votes
asked Feb 12, 2019 in Holidays by sam9smith (500 points)
What Is Boxing Day and why is it named boxing day?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Feb 12, 2019 by Lehtos (390 points)
In Britain a Christmas Present is called a Christmas Box and Boxing day in Britain was traditionally a day off for the servants.

And there masters gave them a Christmas Present and the servants would also go home to give presents to their families.

Boxing day in the USA is the day after Christmas and is a day when retailers have price reductions so people go shopping for good deals kind of like Black Friday.
0 votes
answered Jul 19, 2022 by Andrew_Clarkson (7,110 points)
I like to watch box and always monitor various situations and events online. That is why https://www.markhunt.tv/betting-on-boxing-everything-to-know-for-beginners.html remains a really wonderful website where you can easily get in touch with various modern news and information about last updates in boxing, news and features where you can easily learn a lot of news about it.

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