Is QuickBooks the best for small business?

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asked Feb 11, 2019 in Other-Finance by elinacarbone (310 points)
Is QuickBooks the best for small business?

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Feb 11, 2019 by layla (84,650 points)
I run a small business from home yes QuickBooks is wonderful for a small business and well worth the money you spend on it.

QuickBooks is a very easy to learn accounting software and I highly recommend it.

It took me only a week to fully grasp QuickBooks and any other accounting software I couldn't wrap my mind around it but QuickBooks I learned pretty fast.
0 votes
answered Jan 31, 2020 by Jeraldo (4,900 points)

I agree with you that every small business owner should understand accounting, but this requires some time and for example I have chosen a very effective solution for transferring bookkeeping functions to a specialized company in Singapore. That is, according to the chosen tariff plan, I have the number of transactions I need and just get ready-made results and time savings.

0 votes
answered Aug 19, 2020 by 4bhish3k (220 points)

Quickbooks is a good sorftware, but it's best for small businesses to outsource their accounting needs to experts. It lets you focus on your main business, while the pros handle all your accounting needs. Check out this company called InCorp Global, they have really good reviews.

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