How much does it cost to become a trauma surgeon?

+1 vote
asked Feb 9, 2019 in Higher Education (university +) by OgreMatt (230 points)
How much does it cost to become a trauma surgeon?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Feb 11, 2019 by thelmasiller (470 points)
Becoming a Trauma Surgeon is a good thing because Trauma Surgeons will always be in demand and will be needed to save other peoples lives.

And that in itself is a good reason to become a Trauma Surgeon or other Surgeon as well.

But it does cost quite a bit to become a Trauma Surgeon after you pay for all the classes, etc needed to become a Trauma Surgeon.

Just becoming a regular doctor can cost as much as $166,000.00.

To become a Trauma Surgeon Requires more schooling and college than just becoming a normal doctor and you can expect costs as high as 1 million dollars to even 2 million dollars in some cases.

So you do need some money to become a Trauma Surgeon but it still can be worth it even though you may be in debt over the years from schooling.
0 votes
answered Jan 28, 2022 by Wjendyfromhol (5,390 points)
The average cost to become a trauma surgeon ranges from $250,000.00 to $500,000.00

Trauma surgeons (also called critical care and acute care surgeons) specialize in performing emergency surgeries on people who've had a critical injury or illness.

Trauma surgery requires extensive knowledge of surgical procedures and how to manage different types of injuries.

Although it can involve long hours, intense training and be very stressful, being a trauma surgeon can also be extremely rewarding.

Consider, the impact a trauma doctor can have.

One minute a patient may be living their normal life and the next minute they are in a trauma room with life threatening injuries.

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