How often does marriage counseling end in divorce?

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asked Feb 7, 2019 in Divorce & Marriage by cindytf1 (230 points)
How often does marriage counseling end in divorce?

3 Answers

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answered Feb 7, 2019 by Casanovia (360 points)
Marriage counseling helps some marriages stay together by about a quarter of the couples who do go to marriage counseling see a divorce soon after.

And about 38 percent of couples who do seek marriage counseling end up getting divorced after 4 years.

I can say personally that when I went to mandated marriage counseling when I was seeking a divorce it didn't help and we divorced within a year after the marriage counseling.
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answered Dec 2, 2022 by GeorgeMills (3,080 points)

Hi!! It happens often, more often than you think. But don't blame psychologists. The fact is that the situation comes to a logical conclusion long before you decide to give your relationship the last chance.. I myself prefer not to wag my nerves and go to a new life. This recommended site can help you. Yes, divorce is difficult, but believe me, it’s easier for you to turn the page and live anew with renewed vigor.

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answered Dec 2, 2022 by Fillis (540 points)

It happens often, more often than you think. But don't blame psychologists. The fact is that the situation comes to a logical conclusion long before you decide to give your relationship the last chance.. I myself prefer not to wag my nerves and go to a new life. This recommended site can help you. Yes, divorce is difficult, but believe me, it’s easier for you to turn the page and live anew with renewed vigor.

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