How can I increase my chances of having a long healthy life?

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asked Feb 4, 2019 in Other- Health by Robin955 (510 points)
How can I increase my chances of having a long healthy life?

1 Answer

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answered Feb 4, 2019 by liana (37,450 points)
There's no guarantee that you're gonna live a really long life but yes you can increase your chances of living a healthy and longer life by doing a few things.

Some ways of increasing your chances of living a healthy and long life are, eating healthy, getting plenty of vitamins by eating fruits, vegetables etc and get plenty of exercising.

Avoid smoking, or inhaling harmful chemicals etc.

Take some Vitamin Supplements and eat things such as fish which can also help boost your brain health.

Stay fit, exercise, eat healthy etc and you can increase your chances of living a long healthy life.

Keep your brain active as well and challenge yourself to math to keep your mind going.

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