Can I burn insulation off copper wire?

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asked Feb 2, 2019 in Do it yourself by Shogunni (340 points)
Can I burn insulation off copper wire?

2 Answers

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answered Feb 2, 2019 by dinessod (310 points)
Burning off insulation for copper wire is bad since it creates toxic fumes in the air and could harm you if you breathe it in.

You might also get a fine if caught burning insulation off copper due to the air pollution and also some scrap yards won't buy burnt copper wire anymore so it's best to either sell the copper wire with the insulation or use a wire stripper or even a utility knife to strip the insulation from the copper wire.
0 votes
answered Feb 2, 2019 by Essmann (42,860 points)
Insulation can be burned off of copper wire but most scrap yards now won't buy burnt copper unless you're a licensed electrician or can really prove where you got the burnt copper wire from.

Burnt copper wire can also be worth a bit less than shiny copper that hasn't been burnt.

You can buy a wire stripper online through ebay or Amazon that can easily strip copper wire or just use a utility knife.

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