How can I keep houseflies out of my house?

0 votes
asked Jul 1, 2017 in Other-Home/Garden by Starknight (610 points)
I have several houseflies in my house every summer. I have fly tapes and swat them with a flyswatter but they still keep coming into my house and annoying me.

How can I prevent the houseflies from getting into my house in the first place?

1 Answer

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answered Jul 1, 2017 by Cathy21 (85,770 points)
You'll never be able to keep flies out of your house completely. But You can put up screens on all your windows and make sure any holes are sealed up that flies and other rodents can get through.

Get some of those fly traps where the water traps them in a bag. I use them both in my house and outside my house to kill flies.

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