How do I get rid of a squirrel in my walls?

+1 vote
asked Jul 1, 2017 in Do it yourself by Starknight (610 points)
How do I get rid of a squirrel in my walls?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 7, 2017 by yk24 (320 points)
The entry needs to be determined.

Then I would suggest some traps baited with peanut butter near the entry to catch them and then dispose of them. If you use poison, you run the risk of the rodent dying inside the wall and the resulting smell associated with decomposition. If you can't locate the rodent's access, you should call an exterminator for some professional help.

Left unchecked rodent's WILL do damage.

FWIW: squirrels are very territorial and like to return to there birthplace to mate and nest. If they have a litter in your house, then you've pretty much bought the next generation as residents, too. until you eradicate them.

Once residence is established, blocking the entries will not cause them to move on to other places. They will continue to peck away until they are back in where they were

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