Do employers really check for high school diploma?

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asked Jan 23, 2019 in Employment & Careers by Lyubomiaor (270 points)
Do employers really check for high school diploma?

1 Answer

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answered Jan 23, 2019 by helenmullins (410 points)
Sometimes Employers may want to actually see the actual high school diploma or GED when considering hiring you but some employers may only look to see if you completed high school or have your GED through a background check.

When you apply for a job either online or in person the employer does a background check to see if you have any criminal records or anything else that would not make you a good fit for the job.

The employer can usually tell on the background check if you have a legit high school diploma or GED so you can't fake a high school diploma to try and get a job.

You can get your GED still if you don't have a high school diploma or just start an online business or do online work from home jobs instead.

You can make money working from home blogging, doing freelance work, video editing, designing and selling T Shirts Online, or start an ebay store.

There are many options today where you don't even need a high school diploma or GED to make a decent income or even make more income that your offline job that required a diploma.

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