I'm 25 and think I have gout what are some things I can do at home to make it go away?

+1 vote
asked Jul 1, 2017 in Other- Health by Bob254 (220 points)
I'm 25 and think I have gout what are some things I can do at home to make it go away?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 13, 2017 by ladyj89 (710 points)
You should consult your doctor and have him/her take a look to see what they can do for your gout.

A doctor can prescribe some medication to help get rid of your gout.

At home you can put an ice pack on the area the gout is affecting you.

If the gout is in your foot you should elevate your foot.

Try taking some Advil pain meds.

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