Can a 55 year old woman be in love with a 23 year old man?

+1 vote
asked Jan 16, 2019 in Singles & Dating by jhbyfSceraMak (180 points)
Can a 55 year old woman be in love with a 23 year old man?

4 Answers

0 votes
answered Jan 16, 2019 by SunnamahBeach (350 points)
Yes since the 55 year old woman and the 23 year old man are both legal adults then yes they can legally and rightfully be in love with each other.

As long as they're legal consenting adults the age difference doesn't matter.

What matters more than age as long as they're legal age is the love they feel for each other and as long as both the 55 year old woman and 23 year old man are in love with each other and truly love one another then there's nothing wrong with that.
0 votes
answered Aug 20, 2020 by Jeraldo (4,900 points)

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0 votes
answered Aug 20, 2020 by Jgancie (620 points)
A 55 year old woman can be in love and date and even marry a 23 year old man if that is what they want.

Although there's a huge gap in the age difference between them there's nothing illegal or wrong about a 55 year old woman dating or going out with a 23 year old man.

It's only wrong if the younger person is a minor and then it becomes illegal.

But a 23 year old man is an adult and not a child or minor so it's okay for them to date.
0 votes
answered Aug 9, 2022 by KrystynaTrushyna (1,620 points)
Love has no boundaries!
If you are comfortable together and both of you are satisfied, if you are compatible and you have common interests and have something to talk about - then anything is possible. The main skill is to make compromises and be happy.

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